Board of Zoning Appeals

Monday, October 24, 2022 - 7:00pm


Winona Lake Board of Zoning Appeals

October 24, 2022, 7:00 p.m.

Winona Lake Town Hall

Zoom Link:

(Please be sure to have a profile when signing in or identify yourself)

1. Opening

2. Minutes (No September Meeting)

3. Case 2022-23, David Johnson, 123 Boys City Drive, single

4. Case 2022-24, Grace College, 503 Robson Road, 10-person dormitory

5. Case 2022-25, Brad Blackwell, 1105 Court, single

6. Case 2022-26, Dave Illingworth, 1205 E. Canal & 110 Fort Wayne St., both single

7. Case 2022-27, James Bausch, 1112 Park Ave., duplex

8. Next Meeting – November 21

9. Adjourn